Are your children unresponsive when you ask them nicely to do something? Do you constantly yell like a drill sergeant in order for your children to respond to a simple request? Does this seem like the only way to accomplish anything in your house? Do you realize that this is not healthy family behavior? If this is your life on a weekly or daily basis, it could be time to make a change in how you manage your children.
We understand that every parent has moments they would like to “do over.” Children are a joy and blessing. But they are also challenging and frustrating at times. As a parents, you set the example for them to follow. You need to be a model of positive, but constructive, healthy communication so they can learn how to lead their own family someday. That is why it is important to control your frustration and frustrated behaviors towards them.
Authoritative parents have high but reasonable expectations for behavior. They encourage independence within set limits. They have very clear rules and consequences for when their children misbehave and break the rules. Authoritative parents know when and how to discipline in a positive, constructive manner.
Many parents are afraid of or do not know how to discipline. Our experienced team of therapists know that, when given in the right manner, consistent discipline is the best way to elicit positive behavior changes in your children.
How can counseling on Authoritative Parenting help?
Our experienced and licensed counselors give you tools and knowledge to become an effective authoritative parent. Every child is different, so as a parent, you may need to parent each of your children differently. Through counseling and an understanding of your family dynamics, our therapists can guide you in creating a discipline plan that works best for each child and your family.
Children who have authoritative parents tend not only to be better behaved, but also appear more confident and mature, more social, more in control of their emotions and happier than their peers. Introducing a more authoritative approach to your parenting is one step toward better equipping them with the tools to succeed in life.
If you would like counseling on how to become an authoritative parent with the St. Peters, MO area, we can help.